Wednesday, March 9, 2011


For the past 3 weeks, leading up to the challenge, the boys have been keeping a food diary for us. Turns out they both have to make major changes to their food and to the way they eat.

Here's an example of a typical day for one of them....
  • 10.15am First food of the day: 6 pieces sushi, banana, 2 teriyaki kebabs, muesli bar
  • 4.30pm (they call this 'Lunch') Ham, cucumber, cheese, sandwich. Yogurt, banana
  • 7.00pm Dinner: Roast chicken, corned beef, coleslaw, potato salad
  • Snacks: Roast chicken sandwich
  • Drinks: 1.5tr water, 10 beers, 10 330ml bourbon ,600ml coke zero
Here's an example of what they will be eating...
  • Breakfast: 3 poached eggs 1 piece wholemeal toast
  • Morning tea: 1 small tub of yogurt, 1 piece of fruit
  • Lunch: 150gms lean beef/chicken large coleslaw with added tomato, capsicum, cucumber, olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing
  • Afternoon tea: Protein shake, 1 piece of fruit
  • Dinner: 150gm lean beef/chicken/fish, unlimited veg or salad
  • 30min before bed: Protein shake with water
The boys are avoiding ALL alcohol and energy drinks. Plus they will have to drink at least 3lts of water a day.

They are in for a big shock when we show them what they have to eat.


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