Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The truth about sugar

Not all sugars are created equal. And sugar hides in some surprising places.

Processed and packaged foods contain the worst kind of sugar. Natural and fresh foods also contain sugar, but it is a better more healthy form.

{ each cube is a teaspoonful }

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Can it help?

In winter time, with the drop in temperature, it’s quite common for past injuries to come back and haunt us. Acupuncture can help with this. Following is some more information sent to me by Justin, an acupuncturist who I can sincerely recommend. And if you are interested in a consultation or treatment, he is also offering a discount for Fitter Faster Stronger / Team Training participants.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese healing which balances the body, mind and spirit. Very fine sterile stainless needles are inserted into the body at carefully selected points to stimulate the body’s own healing processes. These points lie on the pairs of channels that cover the body and through which “QI” (pronounced “chee”) flows. Traditional Chinese Medicine likens these channels to the rivers of China, which provide communication and nourishment system for the whole body.

When these channels are blocked then this creates a ‘dis –ease’ in the body, which may manifest itself as sharp pain, ache or general discomfort.

There is a large body of scientific data from animal and human studies that seeks to explain the mechanisms of acupuncture. Current reviews have shown that acupuncture promotes the production of “endorphins’ that relieve pain, improves the immune system, regulates the blood flow and hormones, is anti inflammatory and anti spasmodic and improves your own feeling of well being.

With the onset of the winter cold the channels which are blocked due to past injury will generally manifest themselves with a deep annoying and often debilitating ache. Acupuncture can help relieve and often rid you of this condition. This is but one of the many ailments that acupuncture can help with. If you wish to get some treatment I am offering to the Fitter Faster Stronger crew a fifty percent discount on the first consultation and treatment with a further twenty percent discount for continued treatments.

For more information please call Justin on 0221 629 935

Diploma in Acupuncture / Diploma in Tuina (Chinese Massage) / ACC Registered Acupuncturist

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

BATTLE OF THE BUTCHERS Was it the hot x buns or the Easter eggs?

Was it the hot x buns or the Easter eggs?

You guessed it both the boys put on weight - only 700gms between them but a gain is a gain.

Time to harden up boys. We are hitting the half way mark - remember your goals and focus on what you have to do.

We can only do so much when we only see you for 2 hours a week. It's up to you two to lift your game and get out there and train.

Friday, April 22, 2011

(and I cannot lie)

WINTER IS HERE. And during the Winter months, it can seem like pulling on your training shoes and getting out the door requires that much MORE EFFORT than it did in Summer time.

And lets face it, there are plenty of 'good' REASONS that we can find to justify NOT TRAINING during Winter.

Infact, I'm pretty sure I've heard all of them (and might have used the odd one myself).....

BUT I'm too busy
BUT it's raining
BUT it's cold
BUT I don't know where to start
BUT did I mention it's raining!!

And a personal favourite - courtesy of a friend's overweight teenager daughter:-

"BUT I need an iPod to start running"

If you DON'T WANT TO DO SOMETHING, then you will always find a "BUT..." to stop you. If you don't want a result bad enough, a BUT will help you to justify why you’re not willing to do WHAT IT TAKES to achieve that result.

And sadly, if we say "BUT" enough times, sooner or later we actually start to believe the stories we're trying to convince everyone else of.

BUT, as Tony Robins aptly put:-

"those people who say BUT a lot, often have a BIG ONE!..."

AND, it's time for a REALITY CHECK:-

In a few short months, come September, WINTER WILL BE FADING.

With Summer just around the corner again, where do you want to be? - a few months AHEAD or a few months BEHIND?
Your BEST Summer yet or another spent playing 'catch up', avoiding beaches and bikinis till you've shed those Winter pounds?

Now is the time to choose. Will you let your REASONS stop you or will you suck it up, pull on your training shoes and get out the door?....

Trust me - and the regulars who come to Team Training year round - if it's RAINING, dress appropriately and once you're warmed up you won't even notice...

"There is no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing".

AND as a bonus, the thermogenic effect of exercising will keep your body temperature warmer throughout of the day.

If you're too busy to exercise, what else are you too busy to do?... too busy to take the stairs? too busy being warm and cozy in bed at 6am instead of joining us at Team Training ...

There are ALWAYS options - busy-ness is not an excuse.

And not knowing where to start is great reason to never start at all. BUT Getting off the couch and moving is a pretty good first step

.....For every 'BUT' there's always a DIFFERENT POINT OF VIEW if you choose to look for it. 'BUTS' are not truth or fact - they are simply the stories we tell ourselves and others to make things 'right'.

And we can make a choice to tell ourselves different, more empowering stories.

My friend's teenage daughter DID eventually get her iPod, BUT she didn't start running AND she's still overweight.

So, the next time you catch yourself saying BUT, think about what you're really saying. Are you just being lazy? Are you maybe more committed to being warm and comfortable than getting FIT and HEALTHY?

Then think of what that BUT is really costing you - Your Health? - Your Happiness? - Your Best Summer Yet?

Then make a choice.


Monday, April 18, 2011

BATTLE OF THE BUTCHERS Results after 5 weeks

Well the first 5 weeks of training is done and dusted for the boys. Here's how it has panned out so far...


Josh has lost 16.3kg and he is now 60.5cm smaller with all his combined measurements.

TOTAL: 11.35% lost.


Jeremy has lost 10.4 kg and he is now 45cm smaller with all his combined measurements.

TOTAL: 8.69% lost.

A fantastic effort by both the boys.


Monday, April 11, 2011

Chili Pork with Oyster Sauce

As promised, here is another great recipe to sink your teeth into this week. And don't forget to head on down to the Aussie Butcher Birkenhead where you can get the meat you'll need for this recipe at a special price.


  • 1tbsp peanut oil
  • 450gm pork fillets sliced thinly
  • 1 medium onion sliced thinly
  • 1 glove garlic, crushed
  • 1 large capsicum sliced thinly
  • 1 small green zucchini sliced thinly
  • 1 small yellow squash sliced thinly
  • 1/4 cup oyster sauce
  • 1 tbsp sweet chili sauce
  • 1 tbsp chopped coriander
1) Heat oil. Stir-fry pork in batches, until browned. Put to one side.

2) Stir fry onion and garlic until onion is soft. Add capsicum and zucchini. Cook until tender.

3) Return pork to pan. Add sauces. Cook until hot. Serve with chopped coriander.

LOW carb, LOW fat, HIGH protein.


35 Years Ago

35 years ago a documentary was made warning Kiwis of an obesity epidemic coming their way if they didn't change their lifestyle.

Not a lot of people took the warning seriously, and we are now the 3rd most OBESE nation in the developed world.

One of the quotes which stood out from the show was 'it will effect well heeled white folk' highlighting that this isn't a colour or race thing. If you choose to eat the wrong food and do little or no exercise the fat monster will jump up and BITE you, no matter who you are.

Which leads on to another side effect - DIABETES. The cases of diabetes has DOUBLED in the last 10 years in New Zealand.
Scary isn't it!

So if you wont get off your butt for yourself, at least do it for your children and set a good example for them. They see Mum and Dad training and exercising and they will then think it's part of every day life, which it should be. T
rain and educate your self so you can pass this knowledge on to your children.

And speaking of setting a good example, our Butcher boys have had their week 4 weigh in....

JOSH so far has lost 12.4 KGS - That's an average of 3.1kg a week. And
JEREMY has lost 11.2 KGS so far- That's an average of 2.8kg a week.


Saturday, April 9, 2011


Week four is almost over and it looks like the boys are back on track.

They had their 15 minutes of fame on Thursday with Campbell LIVE (link) filming them - you have never seen two grown men so afraid of doing this. But they both rose to the occasion - well done guys.

I'm going in to see them this afternoon for their first boxing session. Yet to decide whether I'll do it in the car park out the front of the shop, just to keep their STAR PROFILE shinning brightly haha.

This week we'll be posting more recipes and the AUSSIE BUTCHER BIRKENHEAD will discount all the meat cuts that you'll need. So keep posted - don't miss out on the great specials.

And while you are in the shop buying your meat from TEAM JEREMY & TEAM JOSH, make sure you put down your $5 vote to BACK A BUTCHER - all proceeds to Christchurch and you'll go into the draw for the meat pack.

Week 5 starts next week, then we will have our 2nd measurement at the end of that to see how many centimeters they have lost.


Friday, April 1, 2011


As week three draws to a close, Jeremy and Josh are still going strong.

Both were disappointed with their weigh-in at the beginning of the week, each recording only small weight loses following the big loses of the week before.

But as we said to them, Life will get in the way if you let it. And that's the key. If you set up your life and lifestyle to support the results you are committed to achieving, then when things gets busy it will not effect your momentum or set you back.

Last week the boys had a lot of 'good' reasons to stray off track - from overtime at work to moving house in the weekend. And it showed on the scales earlier this week.

Setting up your lifestyle is about preparing meals in advance, ensuring the fridge is fully stocked, training in a mutually supportive environment (eg Team Training) AND having the people around you aware your commitment and willing to support you in your goals. But that's another blog post for a later time.

We are back on track now, the boys look fantastic - they have colour in their faces - and their energy levels are noticeably higher.

And get this! - they are planning to do the Mud Run with us FANTASTIC!


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mud Runners Unite!!

Winter is just around the corner and that means so is the 2011 DB Tough Guy and Gal.

Last year we were 40 strong - a blaze of bright orange Fitter Faster Stronger t-shirts. And so far for this year's event, we have 70 mad mud runners who have held up their hands and said count us in!....


The Tough Guy & Gal, or MUD RUN as we aptly refer to it, is ALOT of fun. This is the third year we've put in a team and every year the numbers have grown.

You will get WET. You will get MUDDY. You will get a bag of advertising along with a CRAPPY MUG. And you will be BACK FOR MORE next year.

If you want to find out more about the event go to and to see photos of last years event, check them out on the Fitter Faster Stronger Facebook page

(and while you're there, hit the LIKE button if you haven't already.)


Well, it's as easy or hard as you make it. If you want to walk the whole distance that's fine. If you want to run hard, then the beer will be COLDER and the showers will be HOTTER when you get to the finish line.

DID SOMEONE SAY BEER?.. I'm in! How do I enter?

1) Fitter Faster Stronger team members all qualify for a $10 discount off their entry fee.

2) To be part of the team, you just have to buy a SPECIAL EDITION Team Training Mud Run t-shirt and wear it on the day (only costs $25 and it's better than the official been-there-done-that Tough Guy race tees)

3) You don't have to be doing Team Training to be part of the team - so bring a friend or unsuspecting family member - EVERYONE IS WELCOME.

4) You will need OLD SHOES and TAPE to - you guessed it - TAPE THEM ON

5) We will be doing the Auckland event on SUNDAY 3rd July

6) And, this is the important part...

ENTRIES OPEN APRIL 1ST. You need to get in early or you will MISS OUT! We have spoken to the event organisers and they expect it to sell out.

TO ENTER, go to and DOWNLOAD the entry form. Then fill it out, SCAN IT and SEND IT to

Then transfer your ENTRY FEE ($50) and T-SHIRT money ($25) to the Team Training Offshore Swiss Bank Account (email for details).

When we have received everyone's entry and payment we will send it all off. You will then receive your e-ticket 4 weeks later.

But wait, there's more...


Each year we have a different coloured tee and a special design on the back. And usually there's a spelling mistake, but no prizes for being the first to tell us, sorry.

This year the tee will be LIME GREEN with RED ink - beautiful!

And we are opening up the design for you guys to come up with the 'MUD RUN CATCH PHRASE'

The WINNER will get their next 5 week Team Training block FREE!!!

Entries will be judged by a special panel of ONE, who we like to call The Stig (more accurately 'The Stick' due to his enviable aerodynamic physique)

But wait, there's STILL MORE...

We have been given 5 FREE ENTRIES to the Auckland race. To make it fair we will draw them out of a hat and let the lucky people know.


Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The Difference a Good Diet Can Make

The boys have just had work out number three. Both are still smiling and Josh is reporting an improvement in his skin, saying that he's noticed it's not as oily as before. He's also no longer having trouble staying awake on the drive home from work.

Isn't it amazing how a simple change in your diet can change so many things in such a short time.

To keep them on the right track, we are giving them a few more things they can do with their food....

First up is a spice rub which you can use on beef, chicken, lamb or even vegetables.



  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
  • 2 teaspoons ground allspice
  • 2 teaspoons ground cumin
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger
  • 2 teaspoons ground turmeric
  • 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
  • 2 teaspoons ground cardamon
  • 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 3 teaspoons ground coriander
  • 2 nutmegs freshly grated [or 6 teaspoons ground nutmeg]
  • Buy the freshest spices you can. Combine all spices in a clean jar, seal and store in a cool, dark place.
  • Rub this spice mix into your meat or on vegetables before you cook them. Very simple but very tasty.
  • You can purchase all these spices at the Birkenhead Aussie Butcher.
And even though the colder months are approaching here is a great salad to try...

SALAD (Serves 4)

  • 3 tbsp fresh lime juice
  • 2 tbsp fish sauce
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 3 tbsp warm water
  • 2 birds eye chillies, deseeded and finely chopped
  • 1 tsp fresh ginger chopped finely
  • 1 tsp fresh lemongrass [soft inner part only]
  • handful of coriander leaves,roughly chopped
  • Salad ingredients:
  • 1-2 cos lettuce leaves inner leaves only
  • 1 cucumber peeled then cut into ribbons use a potato peeler
  • 2 carrots peeled then cut into ribbons with a potato peeler
  • hand full of fresh mint leaves
  • handful fresh baby rocket leaves
  • 675g rump
1) Make Dressing by mixing all ingredients in a bowl.

2) Season rump with salt and pepper. Grill until medium rare. Rest 10 minutes, then slice across the grain thinly. Put into a bowl with the dressing and let it sit for 10 minutes.

3) Arrange the salad mix on large plate. Pour over dressing, then lay beef strips on top. Finish with fresh coriander leaves.


Monday, March 21, 2011


Well that's the first week done and I have to say the boys have done a fantastic job.

They both have colour in their faces! - not the pale, washed-out look they used to have. And both are reporting a huge lift in energy levels.

One of them told me a head of broccoli used to last a week now it's gone in one night. Their veggie intake has more than doubled.

Following the first weigh-in, Josh has lost 6.3 kg (4%) and Jeremy has lost 3.7kg (3%) - after only one week!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Ginger Beef Stir Fry

With the BATTLE OF THE BUTCHERS underway, the contenders - Jeremy and Josh - are having to change what they eat in a big way.

Ginger Beef Stir Fry is a very easy meal to prepare which the boys will be having for this dinner one night this week.

Here's how to make it for yourself at home....


  • 30gm fresh ginger
  • 2 tbsp peatnut oil
  • 600gm beef, rump - slice thinly
  • 2 gloves crushed garlic
  • 120gm green beans
  • 2 spring onions sliced thinlet
  • 2 bok choy sliced
  • 2 carrots - peeled and thinly sliced
  • 2 teaspoon oyster sauce
  • 1 tablespoon fish sauce
  • 1 tablespoon soy sauce
  • 1 teaspoon grated palm sugar
  • 1/2 cup fresh thai basil leaves
1) Chop ginger into thin slices.

2) Heat 1/2 oil in pan. Stir fry beef in batches until brown all over.

3) Heat remaining oil. Stir fry ginger and garlic [do not over cook]. Add beans; stir fry until tender.

4) Return beef, spring onion, sauces and veg to pan. Heat well make sure the sugar has dissolved.

5) Remove from heat. Stir though basil.

6) Eat.

Nutritional Breakdown:
Per serving 4.7g Carbs / 35g Protein


Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Well the boys have just had their first Team Training workout with Cindy this morning.

It's 10am now and they are both still smiles and laughing. But lets wait and see how they feel tomorrow.

Neither of them can believe how much they get to eat. The difference between what they were eating and what they are eating now is huge. Fresh salads, lean meats and keeping their metabolism fired by eating every 2 to 3 hours.

Remember you can Back a Butcher to support Christchurch. Simply visit The Aussie Butcher Birkenhead and vote for who you think will lose the most weight, and how much he will lose. Each vote costs $5. All proceeds will go to the Red Cross Christchurch Earthquake appeal. The closest guess will WIN a Meat Pack to die for.


Sunday, March 13, 2011


Today we gave the boys their first cooking lesson.

Nothing to hard - just an omlette for breakfast. And even though it was 3pm by the time I showed them how to make it, it didn't last long on the plate. Disappeared is seconds, accommpanied by lots of "uummmmmm" and "this is great, yum!"

They both had lots of questions concerning what they can have in the omlettle and how often they can have them.

I explained that they can have as many veges in it as they want, minus the three which they aren't allowed - potato, pumpkin and kumera.

Both the boys are highly motivated and ready to start their journey to leaner meaner healthier butchers.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011


For the past 3 weeks, leading up to the challenge, the boys have been keeping a food diary for us. Turns out they both have to make major changes to their food and to the way they eat.

Here's an example of a typical day for one of them....
  • 10.15am First food of the day: 6 pieces sushi, banana, 2 teriyaki kebabs, muesli bar
  • 4.30pm (they call this 'Lunch') Ham, cucumber, cheese, sandwich. Yogurt, banana
  • 7.00pm Dinner: Roast chicken, corned beef, coleslaw, potato salad
  • Snacks: Roast chicken sandwich
  • Drinks: 1.5tr water, 10 beers, 10 330ml bourbon ,600ml coke zero
Here's an example of what they will be eating...
  • Breakfast: 3 poached eggs 1 piece wholemeal toast
  • Morning tea: 1 small tub of yogurt, 1 piece of fruit
  • Lunch: 150gms lean beef/chicken large coleslaw with added tomato, capsicum, cucumber, olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing
  • Afternoon tea: Protein shake, 1 piece of fruit
  • Dinner: 150gm lean beef/chicken/fish, unlimited veg or salad
  • 30min before bed: Protein shake with water
The boys are avoiding ALL alcohol and energy drinks. Plus they will have to drink at least 3lts of water a day.

They are in for a big shock when we show them what they have to eat.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

BATTLE OF THE BUTCHERS Now meet the Beauty

So you have met the boys {the Beasts} now meet the Beauty - The Lovely Cindy.

Cindy will be looking after the boys while they are training with TEAMTRAINING.

She has been a personal trainer for 7 years now, but has had a life time commitment to healthy living an staying fit. She is also a mother to 5 children, so keeping these two in line won't be a problem for her.


Monday, March 7, 2011

BATTLE OF THE BUTCHERS Meet the Contenders!

Two heavy-weights of the Butcher industry, going toe-to-toe to raise funds for Christchurch and to get themselves fit and healthy.

JEREMY 'the Boss'

30 years old and a butcher for 8 years, Jeremy tells me he used to be a very active person involving himself in diving, hunting and fishing. But having bought the butchery 3 years ago, he hasn't had much time for anything except working long hours. He loves to cook and likes to eat it more. He hopes the battle will help him get his fitness back and lose the kilos he has packed on over the last few years.

JOSH 'the Challenger'

Josh is 22 years old and has been a butcher for 6 years. He has 2 children. He gave up smoking in May last year, started to taste his food again and as a result has piled on the kilos. He has rising to the challenge at getting the chance to beat the boss.

Both boys have familys and this is the most important reason they are doing the Battle of the Butchers challange to lose weight and get fit so they can enjoy there children growing up.All chilren need there dads.


Jeremy: 30 years old / 119.6kg
Josh: 22 years old / 143.5 kg


The boys will join Cindy at TEAM TRAINING for 15 weeks. We will be weighing them each week and posting the results here. The winner will be the highest percentage of weight lost. We will have a winner at week 5, week 10 and week 15.


Visit the Aussie Butcher Birkenhead and put a $5 vote on who you reckon will lose the most weight. All money goes to Christchurch and the winner will get the hell meat pack.